



创建时间:2020-07-01 09:54

RMC200 控制器可以最多支持32轴控制。与之前经典的 RMC75(1-2轴) RMC150(2-8轴)都是通过一个调试软件 rmctools 来进行调试。截止到发稿rmctools软件已经升级到4.10.0版本。


     RMC200是完全新的硬件设计,不同大小的基板和模块化的电源,CPU,模拟量,SSI,TTL模块和控制输出模块。除了可以支持最多32轴外。在控制回路数的实现上,采用了购买硬件加单独购买黄色功能钥匙方式来现 。 比如一条油缸既要力控制又要位置控制的双回路模式,则需要购买两个回路数。 在黄色功能钥匙里是RMC200总共需要的全部回路数。



1. RMC200的控制输出是以最大输出电压的百分数的方式给出的。比如100(%) 对应10V。最大物理输出值是可以自由定义的,这增加了系统的灵活性。Open Loop Rate (10) Direct Output (9)都是按照百分数给出的。在轴工具界面里,实际输出电压和输出百分数同时显示。


2. 无使能模式(Disabled State)



中文文稿提供:北京市思路盛自动化系统集成有限公司 www.slsheng.com.cn



RMCTools now supports the RMC200 32-axis motion controller. Using the RMC200 is nearly identical to the RMC70/150. Some important differences are:

  • Control Output in percent
    The RMC200 Control Output is in percent from -100% to +100%. When using the Open Loop Rate (10) or Direct Output (9) commands, the output must be in percent. Axis Tools displays both the Control Output in percent and the physical output, whether it is voltage or current.

  • Disabled State
    In addition to the Run Mode and Program Mode states, the RMC200 has a Disabled state, in which Control Outputs are set to zero, no motion commands are accepted, and discrete outputs are set to the Fault state. Faulting the controller will put the axis in the Disabled state. The startup mode can be set in the Programming Properties.